Sunday 5 October 2008

Don't trust everything you read!

Just had the biggest laugh in ages! Yesterday I decided if I was going to get serious about this weight loss thing then it might be good to know what I weigh! I have avoided scales in the house for years (especially after I broke the last one!), and just close my eyes whenever a doctor asks me to step on a scale.
Anyway, I took myself off to KMart to buy a set of scales, got home, jumped on and watched the numbers spinning around to discover I had gained 2.5kgs since the lapband assessment appointment 3 weeks ago. This did make sense because I have been eating like a horse ever since, thinking that surely a condemned woman deserved a last pig-out. But it also made me feel felt sufficiently guilty that I went online to order the revolting diet milkshake muck that I need to start in a week's time. I even thought that I might get a head start replacing one meal a day or so this week with the stuff to make up for my bad behaviour.
Well, the weight-loss goddess up there must have appreciated my good intentions because this morning a miracle happened! I stood on the scale to find I had lost 30 KILOS!!!!! Of course, each time I stepped on and off the scale it went to a different place in fantasyland, each more ridiculous than the last.
So it looks like I have broken yet another scale! I really feel this is telling me something. I went on another bandit's blog this morning where she had put up some photos showing her six-month before and after shots. The numbers that went with the pictures were impressive, and her body had changed incredibly, but it was the expression on her face that had the most impact. She seemed do much more relaxed and alive and truly happy; it couldn't help but bring tears to your eyes. So I'll try not to get caught up too much in the weight-loss obsession with numbers from now on and concentrate more on how I feel within (but I might have a little peek at the doctor's surgery scale every now and then !).


Itspositive said...

I laughed when I read this post, I have a set of scales that do exactly the same thing, and no matter how many times you get on them they tell you a better weight.
I also wont be relying on scales only clothes.

Bee said...

Weighing can get so addictive, and annoying. I know what you mean! Going by clothes, and even photo comparasons are the best way! You really see the diff!

Love your blog!

Bee xx

Nola said...

Hi, just found you...but I love your blog! I am being banded on the 16th of this you will be able to see how I go if you want:) and I am going to tell it how it bloody well is too!!! Just forget about the weight for now and go on what you weigh the day of your surgery or 1st surgeons appointment. I have been a bit like you too....eating for a third world country like a condemed woman! Good luck with the shrink!!

Nola said...

I am going to take my measurements too before the sugery. Sometimes you don't lose weight, but you lose some inches. Also, when I had to do Modifast I got the vanilla flavoured one and added different essence to pepperment essence or even coffee! One time I put brandy essence in it and drank it warm like a hot toddy.....might help:)

dizzy said...

Hi everyone. Thanks Nola for the idea about the measurements - yet another thing I have avoided for decades, but a great idea now. Don't forget to take photos of yourself too - some of the most inspirational things I have seen have been the photos of people changing - not just their shape, but their whole attitude (to the camera at least!). Will be thinking of you next Thursday - hope you have a dream run! PS - can you send me a link to your blog again - I can't find the thread any more.