Monday 22 June 2009

Look who's back!

Wow, it has been along time since I was last here! I have just started a new blog which might explain why I haven't been around for a while - it is called FixaRuppa and it is about the house I have bought - my very first!

It is strange how having a band starts to be part of the rest of your life after a while. You always know it is there - but you start to get used to it and other things start to take priority. I suppose that is a pretty healthy way to be when you think about it.

I do wonder, though, whether I would have bought my house if I hadn't been banded. I am such a different person now. Even when I first walked into the loan office, I know I was thinking that at least I could talk to them without thinking that they would be focussed on my weight the whole time. I think I am a bit tougher now too - I seem to spend a lot more time telling myself "I can" these days rather than "I can't" !

Life with a band is often awkward. I often don't know what I can eat until it is too late - and it can get pretty frustrating when other people around you keep watching to see what you are eating or try to fuss too much. Even the compliments get a bit awkward at times - there are only so many times that you can say "thank you - and I love that skirt you are wearing!" without starting to sound a bit forced.

Chocolates and cake still go down too easy, and I don't get as much excercise as I should - probably the reason why my weight loss is slower than I would like (and the scales tell me off whenever I get too cocky!). But I have lost a total of 26 kilos now, which is more than I ever dreamed of - and I don't even look through the window at Autograph any more - its size 16 all the way.

So if anyone out there is still thinking about getting banded - I would definitely recommend it. Banded life isn't perfect - but it can definitely be very good!